Pregnancy is a magical and exciting time no matter what the season, but winter pregnancies offer up a few more challenges. We have put together some essential tips to keep you warm and safe during this very special journey in your life. Once your little one has arrived why not keep them warm this winter and wrap your newborn in some beautifully snug cashmere baby blankets, an excellent keepsake baby gift idea this winter.
During the winter you will be dealing with dry air and heated environments that can leave you dehydrated. Dehydration can cause problems ranging from light headedness, headaches, UTI’s, constipation to preterm labour.
One of the most important reasons for drinking enough water throughout your pregnancy is to ensure enough nutrients reaches the fetus. Water helps in providing the fetus with the essential prenatal vitamins and healthy foods it requires to grow. Your food intake should also increase to ensure you are getting the right nutrients for you and your baby. This means your body will be working harder to flush out any toxins and by drinking plenty of water will keep you away from bladder and kidney infections.
So, stay ahead of the game by drinking six to eight glasses of water a day.
Pregnancy naturally weakens the body’s immune system and as a result can cause serious complications for pregnant women and their babies. It’s highly recommended that women get their flu shots during any trimester of their pregnancy to protect themselves and their newborn babies from flu. Changes in the immune system, heart, and lungs during pregnancy make pregnant women more prone to severe illness from flu.
One of the most common complications of flu is bronchitis, a chest infection that can become more serious and develop into pneumonia. Other complications of flu could lead to premature birth or low birthweight. The safest way to protect you and your baby is by booking an appointment to have a flu jab as early as possible, to ensure maximum protection for you and your family. For further information you can visit https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/flujab
It’s certainly not as easy to get out and grab some exercise in the great outdoors when you’re sporting a large belly and have to navigate icy sidewalks or snowy pathways but don’t let the winter months keep you from taking some healthy strolls throughout your pregnancy. Inhaling some of that cool fresh air into your lungs will help boost your mood and energy levels.
In accordance with governmental guidelines it is advised that pregnant women should aim to get around 150 minutes of exercise per a week, this can be built up of 10 minutes bouts of moderate intensity continuous workouts. The benefits of physical activity during pregnancy can;
- Reduce hypertensive disorders such as preeclampsia and eclampsia
- Improve cardiorespiratory fitness
- Lower gestational weight gain
- Reduce risk of gestational diabetes
- Improve quality of sleep
- Improve your physical and mental health
To help you on your way to a safe and healthy pregnancy workout, check out a few popular workout DVDs like “The Complete Fit & Healthy Pregnancy Workout with Gabrielle Reece,” “Tracey Mallett’s 3 in 1 Pregnancy System” and “Denise Austin: Fit & Firm Pregnancy.”
If at any time during your workout you feel unwell, light-headed or overheated listen to your body and stop any physical activity immediately, if required seek medical advice.
During the winter the cold air, low humidity, and high winds outdoors strip your skin of much-needed moisture, leaving your skin dry and cracked. Splurge on a creamy, luxurious body butter or a super-hydrating body oil to prevent stretch marks and dry, itchy skin. Some mamas can develop hormone-induced acne skin issues, meaning you may need to look at investing in an oil-free or sensitive skin product. Click on best-pregnancy-skincare for further information.